Endline Evaluation of “Comprehensive Diabetes Management" in Assam
Piramal Swasthya Management and Research Institute (PSMRI)initiated in 2011, Sanjeevani Village Health Outreach Program to provide promotive and preventive primary health care services, including screening and management of non-communicable disease, to especially to hard-to-reach communities, covering 3744 villages in 27 districts, serving over 65 lakhs people in rural Assam. In 2012, Piramal Swasthya, in partnership with the World Diabetes Foundation (WDF), added awareness activities on diabetes prevention and its management program to the existing services. This program aimed at making significant changes in behaviours of the poor, helping them to prevent diabetes through awareness and behavior change as well as providing screening and treatment facilities in the village. FRHS was requested to undertake impact assessment of this program, for which baseline assessment was available.
FRHS carried out the endline survey in 2019, using the same sampling procedure and instruments as were used in the baseline survey, to assess impact of the project.

FRHS developed the study instruments, undertook data collection, quality control and analysis plan. Also undertook data analysis and presented the evaluation report to the funding agency with findings and recommendations.
Project's Specific Objectives

To assess the lifestyle changes and utilization of the project services among general population.

To evaluate the outcome of the Information, Education, Communication intervention for Diabetes, among school children, parents and school teachers of targeted schools, front line workers and general population.

To assess the KAP of people in the intervention area, related to Diabetes (i.e. diet and exercise).

To evaluate the perceived treatment quality and outcomes among the beneficiaries of WDF program service.

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