M&E Activities to strengthen Kala Azar Elimination Programme
FRHS has provided techno-managerial support to the National Vector Borne Disease Control Program (NVBDCP), Ministry of Health, Government of India, in three key components (i) Strengthening of M&E in the 4 endemic states, and (ii) Capacity Building of health care personnel in in early case detection, prompt referral, diagnosis and treatment support through the KalaCore programme (iii) participate in the project evaluation, both qualitative and quantitative. The evaluation component included undertaking the baseline and the endline survey to assess project effect on health and economic status of patients; undertaking treatment facility preparedness study and assessing effectiveness of the BCC activities.

As part of this Project FRHS placed seven M&E Officers at the national and state levels for undertaking hands-on training of service providers in AmBisome treatment, undertook periodic visits to service centers to assess the program activities and identify bottlenecks if any, as well as reported data on the key performance indicators to the state and national level program managers to assist them in evidence-based decision making.
Project's Specific Objectives

The M&E technical support team of FRHS was responsible for data collation and analysis from block, district and state to inform government on any new hotspot villages, new blocks reporting KA cases.

Inform the national program of critical performance indicators such as duration of illness i.e. time between onset of symptoms and getting treatment, gender equity, as well as bottlenecks and challenges in the implementing program including the quality and timeliness of the program data, availability of health personnel, drugs and functionalities and cold-chain maintenance.

Onsite Capacity building and mentoring support to healthcare personnel at all levels
for strengthening early case detection, referral, diagnosis and treatment. The project worked closely with the state programs to institutionalize KA diagnosis and treatment at all public health facilities, for enhanced case detection and early diagnosis through on-site mentoring support by the M&E team. Frontline Health workers in active case detection.
Hands-on trainings on treatment protocol.